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Maths Tutoring

I meet so many people, of all ages, who believe they are 'rubbish' at maths. I don't believe anyone is rubbish at maths!  If we didn't have a good experience of maths at school, be that due to a poor school, poor teaching, not paying attention or other reasons, we leave thinking we are rubbish.


Anyone can be good at maths with hard work, focus, a growth mind set and a good attitude.  


I will encourage you or your child to adopt a growth ' can do' mindset, in order to tackle any problem no matter how big or small, regardless of whether we get the right answer.

Therapy Services

As a registered member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists I am delighted to also be able to offer talking therapy.


 Therapy should be accessed regularly for maintenance of health and well being, not only in crisis!.


Modern life carries more pressures than ever and a non-judgemental space, where you can freely explore your own experiences (be they now, recent or long past) and reflect with clarity in an empathic environment is vital to maintaining a good sense of who you are!

Monday evenings

Pilates Classical Mat method, when taught and undertaken correctly, can help with posture, back, joint and movement problems. 


As well as group classes, bespoke studio Pilates sessions can be arranged for groups of up to 3 people. See 'studio' above for more details.


Check out the Pilates tab for details on beginners courses 

Studio Sessions
By Appointment

2021 sees a brand new 8m by 5m studio becoming part of the Look After Yourself LN5 offering.


PT Sessions, 1-2-1, start at  just £30 an hour and for 1 -2-2 its just £20 pp per hour.


I now deliver Pilates classes in the Studio too - with only 6 per class you get a fantastic personal service


Check out the Pilates tab for details on beginners courses

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